Longtime Supporter Gives Thanks Through Legacy

Ljubomir ButurovicLjubomir Buturovic immigrated to the United States in 1992, a year after civil war broke out in his home country, the former Yugoslavia. With a post-doctoral fellowship at Boston University, his future was bright, but leaving friends and family was difficult.

“I wouldn’t say I was starting my life all over again,” Ljubomir says. “But pursuing a career in a new country had many challenges.”

In 1995, after completing his research and moving to East Palo Alto, California, to begin a career in the biotech industry, Ljubomir’s attention turned to giving back. “For the first time, I had disposable income,” he recalls. “And I was interested in international aid, because I have seen for myself the great need.”

“I was following the civil war back home closely, and the IRC was quite active, particularly in Bosnia, the most tragic part of the war,” Ljubomir says. “I realized the prominent role the IRC was having and started donating. I have been a supporter ever since.”

After years of faithful support, Ljubomir made the extraordinary choice to leave a gift in his estate plan to further the IRC’s mission. “By any metric, the IRC is a top-notch organization. If you believe in international aid and helping those caught in global conflict, the IRC should be your top charitable choice,” he says.

Ljubomir now works and lives with his wife and son in California, but he has never forgotten the needs of others. “If you are blessed to be living in the wealthy world, consider making a legacy gift as a token of thankfulness for your blessings.”

Are You Ready to Create Your Legacy?

You can join Ljubomir in creating a legacy that carries your beliefs forward after your lifetime. Contact IRC's Planned Giving Team at +1 212 551 2954 or PlannedGiving@Rescue.org today to get started!